Why Contractpedia?
Move your contracts from the drawer to the cloud.
Digitise and transform the way you manage your contracts. Contractpedia is an interactive system that finds places where you can save money on your commitments. Be aware of your actual costs, legal and monetary obligations, and consequences of every commitment. Contracts and subscriptions are everywhere and you need a central place for all of them that provides transparency and overview.
Overview of all contracts
Have a full overview of all commitments made with other organisations or people and be aware of which contracts would automatically renew.
Be smart about obligations
Know your monetary and legal obligations for the next year and the actual cost of each commitment. Use this knowledge in your organisation.
Don’t lose valuable assets
With Contractpedia you will not forget to collect valuable assets from the people who will no longer be with your organisation.
Be ready to plan the budget
Plan better budgets as you have a complete overview of your remaining obligation and commitments in all departments.
Stay in control
Assign people in the organisation who will be responsible to review and terminate contracts before they get auto-renewed.
Don’t waste money
Do not waste money on acquiring assets that you already have but are either in another department or are not being used.
Get more benefits
See what are the skills and strengths of your people so that they can reach their full potential to the benefit of your organisation.
Know your available assets
You will never again be in a situation where you or one of your departments keep paying for an asset that is no longer needed or used.